Patent Offices

…to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writing and discoveries…

– Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution

The duty of the government in providing patent protection to inventors is clear. The implementation of this duty is a messier thing.

Inventors depend on your organization’s ability to have a complete understanding of the state of the art; to respond to patent applications in a timely manner; to provide for the fair grants of novel inventions and to limit the grants of inventions which are not patent eligible; and to deliver and execute new guidelines for patentability based on evolving legislation and case law. The volume of information into and out of your organization is overwhelming.

For patent applications in the life science domain, LifeQuest can help. Built with a complete index of life science patents where every section of every document is indexed and searchable, it provides the expert patent examiner with the means to examine prior art deeply. Its employment of biological ontologies delivers relevant results to the patent examiner in a language in which they are already proficient.

GenomeQuest, already heavily used by a dozen patent offices around the world, is a gold standard for biological patent sequence searching in the determination of patentability. Its combination of the largest database of DNA patent, RNA patent, and protein patent sequences with its proprietary GenePAST algorithm for computing percent identity and working with short sequences makes it a must-have tool for every granting authority.