
Patent protection is the foundation for innovation and commercialization of next-generation diagnostic tests.

Patents play a critical role in the development of diagnostics – from attracting capital investment to product development to regulatory strategy, reimbursement mechanisms, and doctor and patient education.

Recent rulings by the US courts have complicated the process for prosecuting new patents in the diagnostic space and for determining whether new businesses have the necessary freedom to operate.

LifeQuest can help. Built with a complete index of life science patents where every section of every document is indexed and searchable, it provides the expert diagnostic patent searcher with the means to examine claims deeply to determine, for instance, whether a claim too broadly preempts a use of a law of nature. Patent documents in LifeQuest can be annotated so that as the patent searcher analyzes individual claims to determine whether they are patent eligible given rulings like Myriad and Prometheus, they can memorialize their research in non-assertive colors and stars, and save groups of documents into different libraries for downstream comparison with new search results.

In conjunction with LifeQuest, the GenomeQuest product provides world class searching of sequences in DNA patents, RNA patents, and protein patents. GenomeQuest is more important than ever to find all relevant gene patents because so much of molecular diagnostics is moving toward sequencing or other nucleic acid detection. GenomeQuest provides the diagnostics industry the capability to ascertain prior art, patentability, and FTO directly at the sequence level, while providing the industry with competitive insights and white space opportunities.